Lessons From the Pain Teacher

Lessons From the Pain Teacher

I’m sitting here on my bed, in the quiet, recovering from a visit from a friend, one I like to call “THE PAIN TEACHER” who turned up for an impromptu visit last week by way of a virus which begun with... ...more

Pain Teacher

March 15, 20233 min read

Putting YOU back in control!

Putting YOU back in control!

Have you ever met a woman who is truly satisfied with her body? Someone who, given the opportunity to choose her ideal physique, or change anything about herself, would say “No thanks. I’m pretty happ... ...more


September 19, 20193 min read

Balls, Balls, Balls!

Balls, Balls, Balls!

I’m a big fan of the swiss ball as a brilliant tool for exercise, both working IN and working OUT, and I’ll come to that another day, but for today I’m talking delicious little treats. ...more


November 30, 20183 min read

Espresso Bars

Espresso Bars

Whilst out and about in another town recently I came across the Blue Dinosaur Espresso Bar. Blue Dinosaur is a snack bar brand that hubby and I will occasionally use when we want or need something con... ...more


October 28, 20182 min read

Transferable Learning Through Learning To Ski!

Transferable Learning Through Learning To Ski!

One of my goals last year was to learn to ski. When I first began learning, I secretly hoped that one day I’d be able to experience the sensation of zooming across the snow, at speed, with control, an... ...more


October 04, 20182 min read

Working IN Verses Working OUT to Build Energy.

Working IN Verses Working OUT to Build Energy.

Ok team! Lets talk more about the difference between working OUT, and working IN. Working out EXPENDS energy, whilst the electromagnetic energy your working muscles produce aids in the action of your ... ...more


September 25, 20182 min read

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